Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Suspicious Rocks

Part of my new routine, engineered to try and save my sanity of working from home, is to get to a cafe each day, be it before work when not up for a swim, run or surf or at lunch to break up the day. I read with great interest, and amusement, in the Sydney Morning Herald that Britain has been caught putting monitoring devices, disguised as rocks outside buildings in Moscow. When you come across statements like "The FSB is also hunting Moscow for other potentially suspicious rocks", I cannot stop but think it could be a fairly lengthy task!
Even funnier is a quote from the Telegraph about a cartoon (can't seem to find it online) of a rock sitting a bar ordering a martini, shaken not stirred, its good to know the "bad" old cold war days are not completely with us.


Adrian said...

You should have seen The Daily Show skit on it. Very amusing.

Anonymous said...

"hunting Moscow for other potentially suspicious rocks",

especially as it is -30C over there and under 2 metres of snow!
