Tuesday, June 06, 2006

English weather here downunder

So I may have been premature in my recollections of Sydney winters. Yes on many occassion I have been on the beach, T-shirt & shorts in the "depths" of winter, with bright warm sunshine out of the wind. But this week, what can I say. Wettest day in 2 years yesterday and coldest June on record... or some such. In short miserable. Its like being back in london, I mean I'm wearing a coat and a scarf to work. Okay I admit 15 minutes on the jet cat is slightly better than 40minutes on the Northern line!
Life has been mad since the new job has taken hold of my life, so not much time for updates, although I do have a brand new Mac Mini at home that should promote "MyiLife" at somepoint through better web blog posts, more pictures and a generally "happier with technology" me

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Mother Nature Mood swings

From this to this and back to this this in a couple of days....

Friday, March 31, 2006

Being a Man, more DIY... well as long as it comes with velvet curtains

Decided we didn't like any of the waredrobes in ikea, or else where for that matter. All the people who came to look at "custom design" weren't really that, they were more kit jobs with cheapy melamine wood, cramped spaces... generally not very nice.
I know I thought, I will build it. At the split instant of uttering the imortal words, the not-to-distant memories of floorboarding came to mind, this was quickly dismissed as it was another excuse to buy yet more power tools.
All it all it went really well, the outcome has been well received based on the unorganised mess we were living in. Just need to put the curtain up in front and all will be done (currently missing photo of finally completed assembly, it does look good honest)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

The big, rather silly when you think about, swim...

The traditional "big swim" is part of the oceanswim series, of which regular readers will know i part take... or try to. Well to be honest, its not actually that big, not when you consider what we undertook the other month. An 11km swim from Circular Quay to Manly. Okay so it was a relay race, so we only ended up doing about 3km each (less as it turns out... see later).
We had a support boat (well more a tub than an actual vessell), a "crowd" of supports (well many ditched at the last minute), good (ish) weather, and no sharks. I got the long straw and with it the prestigeous honour of starting first (yes thats me in the white cap in the dead centre) and swiming from under the harbour bridge. Very sereal.
The oddest thing was the lack of clarity - doing ocean swims you really get used to clear blue water, seeing where you're going, that sort of thing. In the harbour its hte complete opposite. Its pretty much pitch black. Un-nerving to say the least. It started well accept for the very embarassing situation of having a large collection of people, who are swimming solo, pass you with energetic strokes & kicks before even 100m was under the belt. We knew it was not about winning the thing, but still....
The morning went pretty smoothly, the realisation that it was a very long way did set in soon, especailly when someone revealed they'd checked the tides and they were basically against us the entire way. This was very evident on some occasions when standing on the boat looking at the swimmer in the water not moving against the backdrop!
All went well, standard inspirational comments hurled, along with apple cores and pieces of fruit, from the top deck throughout the swim. Then we came towards the heads (where the harbour gets the ocean swell). Ed (who is looks exactly like me, so don't be confused in some of the pictures) struck the first of what was to become many jelly fish. Swarms of them became evident from the ocean swell. As soon as Ed got out of the water to reveal the extent of the number of the little buggers. As it turns out the weather men had predicted a bit of a problem (they're presence is due to northern winds and swells) but none of us saw that broadcast. It turned out to be one of the worst swarms ever witnessed on the North Beaches.
Not surprisingly we canned the swim at that point and motored around it. All the while all we could hear was swearing as people gradually became victim.
It turned out all but one swimmer in the entire race left the water and had to motor / paddle around the swarm.
We did finish the race in the end, jumping in 300+ms from the shore, running up the beach baywatch style (apart from the hideous trunks someone decided to make us wear!), to the cheering crowd. Interviews with the local paper, photos of ed's back, free gifts... all very exciting. It was that point the guilt got to us and we confessed to having used motorised assistance for a good 700-800 ms. That we thought was that, no prizes, just a few stings and "fun" memories. It turns out as everyone, bar one person, had at somepoint got out of the water, they had to re-instate all those that were originally disqualified. We came 2nd (see Eric Hooper our esteemed Captain) in the team event, silver medal, and electric toothbrush to boot!
It became evident in the press following the event that numerous people had tried to struggle on through the swarm, 2 actually ended up in hospital, and 20 odd were treated for severe shock.

All our photos, most not very good to be honest, but they're here

For an alternative description of the days events you should read Boguns account (Chapter 54), the chap in green with the hat who was staying with us on his travels.

My ugly mug... first aussie drivers license

Whole process remarkably painless - turn up, UK License, Passport, a few bills to prove the address, sign a couple of documents, eye test, hand over (a rather large sum) of cash and voila... the most painful part.... seeing the photo

Thursday, February 09, 2006

The joys of paradise, before it goes pete tong....

Up early for a swim and some yoga. Dark morning, (days are getting shorter), sunning struggling to get up, sea was choppy but warm. We'd seen some dead jelly fish on the beach but thought nothing of it, a common occurance. Then I saw a reef shark, first one actually in the area (although reknown for it), only a tiddler, couple of feet long. Again, press on.
About half way across the bay the bay) one of the little buggers wrapped himself around my leg. Been stung before, not a biggy (nasty bee-sting really). Swam rest of the way, straight to the shower. Large scar across both thighs. Eirik decided to do the return leg i whimped out starting to cramp, and nursing sting marks. Then Eirik got hit, several wrapped around arms and torso... he pulled out half way through the walk back!
The cramp and rather nasty stingy turned to a rather unpleasant nausia as I limped back... seems it was actually a pretty bad case, needed 40mins lie down, don't feel to hot now... that could be cause i'm stuck indoors working whilst the sun beats down outside... oh well... it is still paradise some of the time.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Moderm times.... the dictionary update

Got one of those circular emails which really made me laugh today. Some modernisms which were so apt it was almost scary... i especially like the "McShit".... come on we've all done it!

TESTICULATING - Waving your arms around and talking Bollocks.
BLAMESTORMING - Sitting around in a group, discussing why a deadline was missed or a project failed, and who was responsible.
SALMON DAY - The experience of spending entire day swimming upstream only to get screwed and die.
SITCOMs - Single Income, Two Children, Oppressive Mortgage. What yuppies turn into when they have children and one of them stops working to stay home with the kids or start a "home business".
GOING FOR A McSHIT - Entering a fast food restaurant with no intention of buying food, you're just going to the bog. If challenged by a pimply staff member, your declaration to them that you'll buy their food afterwards is known as a McShit with Lies.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Suspicious Rocks

Part of my new routine, engineered to try and save my sanity of working from home, is to get to a cafe each day, be it before work when not up for a swim, run or surf or at lunch to break up the day. I read with great interest, and amusement, in the Sydney Morning Herald that Britain has been caught putting monitoring devices, disguised as rocks outside buildings in Moscow. When you come across statements like "The FSB is also hunting Moscow for other potentially suspicious rocks", I cannot stop but think it could be a fairly lengthy task!
Even funnier is a quote from the Telegraph about a cartoon (can't seem to find it online) of a rock sitting a bar ordering a martini, shaken not stirred, its good to know the "bad" old cold war days are not completely with us.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Dispelling the mith - its not always sunny

As you can see
its not always sunny here. I know I may have lost a few friends back in pommy land making a few probably rather tastless comments about weather, being on the beach etc. etc. Well the last two weeks its been pretty wet to be honest. What most do not appreciate, and I'm usually loathed to boast about, is that summer is wetter than any other season. Okay so its raiining, its 25deg+, but the english mind in me still associates these rainy days with colder english winters. This could be why I still don't really cope with eating huge amounts of fruit for breakfast whilst its pouring outside... does not compute!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Looking like a Blue Propalactic first thing Sunday!

When you haven't done an ocean swim for a while you forget many things out of the default list of things to do and remember. Unfortunately the most unavoidable one is that you're forced to wear swim caps for the
event. Mine, due to my 30-34 age group was a lovely pastel blue. The only thing I could think about while keeping nerves at bay on the start line was similarity of some comedy sketch where everyone is dressed as Propalactics! Luckily there are no photos (AFAIK) so you'll have to take my word for it.
As its name suggests ocean swiming is basically swimming in the ocean. But having not done this for a while, I forgot several of the important items for Ocean Swimming
1. prepare - i forgot Vasaline, which you need to stop under arm chaffage (sea is full of salt and sand, its like sand blasting your arm pits after 40mins in the water)
2. always look up - school boy error on a couple of ocassions this a.m., followed the person in front. Think my 1.8km turned into about 2.2 km!
3. always swim in the middle of the pack - 500 people, statistically you've got more chance of getting nibbled by a water based predator if you're on the outside. [mum, sorry, its safe as houses, there hasn't been a shark attck in Sydney for like 20 years]
Didn't do too bad, not sure precise time, it will be on the website at some point. But the buzz running up the sand to finish the race (even if you've got no chance of finishing in the top bracket) is great. Plus it means by lunch you really think you've done something with your day... allows me more time to sit in the hammock finishing the blog on the topic!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Wedding Etiquette

So we're going to a wedding in Jan (which is summer for all those not downunder!) and the wedding ceremony starts at 5:30pm. The big dilema has settled in about what to wear. The definition of lounge suit seems pretty varied, and couple that with potential for stinking hot evening here in Oz is very likely so I'm backing the well trusted beige linen suit, alas not seen eye to eye with rochelle who thinks it should be dark.... bugger it why don't i just go in board shorts and tux jacket. We did this at the buck / stag do and it went down very well in Airlie Beach... not sure if the bride would see the same humour value in the hunter valley ;-)

Friday, January 06, 2006

How do you stuff a pita bread?

Okay I love bread. Probably a little too much, hence why i don't support a Van Dam six pack. Variety, being the spice of life 'n' all, results in trying all sorts of different breads. Pita is yum, but for the love of me I can't seem to stuff them (even with a minimum number of ingredients) without breaking the pocket. Nothing worse than a pita with a flap! Is it cause we're freezing and defrosting the pita... are there any solutions or ideas out there I wonder...

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year 2006

Up until 3 days ago we had no plans. A fair proportion of the Manly crowd had departed to elsewhere, it seems many were not taking it that seriously. Many retiring to "simple" affairs at home or around the dinner table of others. We had guests in town and had originally settled on a local pub that was known to be a good crac.
Then as if by magic an angel appeared, a friend we caught up with drinks on the 30th made us an offer of a life-time. She was planning a small do at the city pied-a-terre of her Boss. It just happens to be opposite the harbour bridge in circular quay (see how close on this google earth link, btw you can install google earth here); 4 floors up above the "un-washed masses", with glass of champagne, on one of the 3 balconies ... it really was the chance of a lifetime.
It all lived up to expectation. Catherine laid on the food and beverages and we talked hte night away and "wowed" the night away through 2 sets of fireworks with the warm-up at 9pm, the final big ($4m worth actually) midnight bash was worth the wait.
Unfortunately the camera doesn't really do any of it any justice, but it was fun capturing the many "oh ah" moments . In fact looking back through the photos I think I must have been more drunk than I remember... lots of blury ones!
Hope everyone had a great time where-ever they were.... look forward to hearing comments on what people got up to!

Sailing on the harbour

This has been organised weeks in advance, the perfect start to the new year, a nice half day sail around the harbour for a bunch of friends, most who hadn't been sailing before. This was also well before the weather forecast had predicted that it would be 45degrees on the day, and before R & I had accepted a NYE bash which ended at near 4am!

Oh well all went well in the end, a fun time had by all. Well that was except one poor lass who had a rather bad vodka induced hang-over.
We pottered around, stopped off at Balmoral beach for a well earned, and much needed swim in the much much cooler water. All in all very nice....