Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sore stomach from laughing! Chris rock.

A strange and rare phenominon normally reserved for over doing it at the gym, waking up with sore stomach muscles!

What at face value looked like it could have been a very expensive set of tickets, 5 of us set off to see chris rock on his "No apologies" tour at Sydney entertainment centre in darling harbour. Turned out to be just guys and to be honest I think we were glad.

Inspired observation about the opposite sex lead to 2 hours of side splitting comedy, certainly for the males in the audience (this was proven by the revelation that when Nick had popped out from the venue to go to the little boys room, he witnessed a bench occupied by a number of sombre looking females who clearly weren't appreciating the humour of the short afro American from new jersey).

Like all these things it was a combination of someone having the balls to comment on things, mostly relationships, that most do not have the guts to say. Especially as the size of said balls seemed to progressively grow, almost without noticing, that on reflection in the pub after the do,admittedly fueled with a few beer tasting beverages, that he was bordering on the rude. It was still bloody funny either way!

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