Friday, July 18, 2008

Rage against the machine.... The bicycle variety

I am back into my biking in a big way. Its quicker into work, I get good exercise everday, sometimes 2 times when I get to the gym or swim as well, I feel so much better for work than getting the bus (no ferry to work for north Sydney unfortunately). Oh and for the green ones out there, I am doing my bit (well apart from what feels like continuous washing that I have to do..... I am sure there is some interesting green trade offs for washing machine electricity and phosphates from cleaning products versus oil burning of a car.... Hmmm)
The problem is Sydney drivers are just so unsympathetic or down right distaining towards the pedalling few.
Some of this is not a straight forward debate however.
On a simple level there is ignorance. I was sworn at by a motor bike rider to "get off the ****** road". Nice. Not sure where I am meant to go, as its illegal on the pavement /sidewalk here. Even more ironic that its from a motor cyclist!
On another level its impatience. Being held up my a bike because the road is so bad you can't pull over enough for them to pass. And even if you did that opens up the possibllity of cars trying to squeeze dangerously close.
A final level is lack of awarness. I was almost knocked off the other month by someone opening a car door, and before that cut up as I was inside in. The blind spot. This is stuff you ride defensively against. And coming from London, more defensive than most.
But the other day I was followed, beeped and yelled at because I had jumped a red light. I know its against the law, its kinda the unwritten rule. I mean we are already taking our lives into others hands with few upsides (apart from wearing lycra, but I dpby want to post about that incase I get all these google hits from people searching for weird fetishes!).
I don't do it when cars or predestrians or me are in jeopardy. Circumstances where its clear the lights are about to change or a clear view of opposing traffic.
So what is it that drove this driver to anger. Was he jealous? Did he like my lycra? No it turns out he's annoyed that "we" break the law and he can't. So while taking a tirade of abuse from this guy I am politely trying to ask him "er, so do you chase up behind cars breaking the speed limit and open abuse at them? So you have never broken the speed limit yourself? Are that predestrian over there, he just jaywalked, quick go and girl abuse at him!"
You see my point? ..... I need to stop trying to be too smart, idiots like that don't seem to have reasoning capacity, and ultimately they are in 1 tonne of metal and I am not! think its just the lycra myself!

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