Have finally got a decent photo arrangement. Hosted on my not so active cheepdial web site! :-) Can be linked to from this blog all the time, but will be referencing them as I go....
What alot of cool photos! Perth looks really quiet and lovely. What's the animal?
The animal is a "quokka" (sp?) its basically a small marcupial (i.e. like a kangaroo with a pounch which the baby is born in).
don't like anonymous comments :-) but the verification stops (well tries to) prevent automated comment spamming which i've had and often happens these days...
What alot of cool photos! Perth looks really quiet and lovely. What's the animal?
ps The house looks light and airy, quite surprising:-)
pps what's this word verification?
The animal is a "quokka" (sp?) its basically a small marcupial (i.e. like a kangaroo with a pounch which the baby is born in).
don't like anonymous comments :-) but the verification stops (well tries to) prevent automated comment spamming which i've had and often happens these days...
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