Saturday, May 07, 2005

Its a crap day... yeehah!

One of the many reasons I love this country is the weather, for sure, its generally much better than I'm used too. However its got to the point where one just has to get outside when the weather's great, as a result, nothing "inside" gets done.... so what does "doing things inside" consist of on a day like this:

1. catching up on DVDs - west wing series 3 is almost complete
2. personal emails - the inbox is full like I can't believe, so finally making inroads and making sure I still have friends at home ;-)
3. golf, well can do that in any weather, so got up v. early with some of the guys and went for a quick 9... played for breakfast, and the other team lost... good outcome for us as a deserved breakfast at one of the local joints.
4. admin - normal stuff, being away all the time means the mail, bills blah blah builds up
5. walk on the beach - even thou its a gray, pretty chilly (by Oz terms), doesn't prohibit that wonderful feeling of soft sand in the feet.

Can't really complain....

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